1. Any type passenger car two or four door with a minimum of 101” wheelbase is permitted. No station wagons, no after market or home made bodies. All body parts must be stock except listed below. No plastic or fiberglass body cars. May run a fiberglass hood or a plastic nose. No independent rear suspension.
2. Wheelbase must b within 1” of factory listing for the year model.
3. All interiors must be removed. Doors must be welded or bolted shut. Hood and cowl must meet.
4. Stock bodies only, stock type bumpers. No bars above bumpers. You may weld flat bar from one end bumper to frame, may cut fenders for tire clearance. You may run bar in front of radiator and brace back to frame. This bar must be inside of grill area. No boxing interior in any configuration. Headlights must be covered with solid metal.Floor pan and front/rear firewall must remain stock in there stock locations. (No excessive gutting)
5. There will be no screw jacks of any type allowed on front or year. Spring spacers are allowed. Lowering blocks will be allowed. Stock type springs in stock location on rear. Heavy coil springs will be allowed on front, stock suspension and steering is required. Anything that stops the chassis from moving is not allowed. Minimum 5” ground clearance for frame and body. Metric cars has a minimum 6” frame and body ground clearance. All suspension and steering mounting points front an rear must be in factory locations. May run any v belt system with aftermarket power steering pump.
6. Shocks: Any stock looking steel body non adjustable and non rebuildable replacement shock permitted. Must be mounted in factory location. Shocks can be claimed for $50 per shock. Cars with strut suspension may run adjustable caster/camber plate. No adjustable spring spacers.
7. May run Stock spoilers: no wings. May run a spoiler 54” wide and 5” tall max
8. Hood pins must be used to keep hood and trunk closed.
9. May use battery box and fabricated battery frame to secure battery. No battery in drivers compartment, unless completely boxed in.
10. Cars must have approved seat belt and double strap shoulder harness. Belts must be bolted to roll bar.
11. Full windshield is required. Lexan may be substituted and must fit as close as possible. Back glass is optional.
12. Roll bars are mandatory. No galvanized pipe. No exhaust tubing. No threaded joints. Bars must be fully welded. Gusses are required at all joints and welded on both sides. Pipe must be a minimum of 1 1/2 inches in diameter with a minimum of .095 thickness. May use racing type drivers seat. Seat must be securely fastened to roll cage. A full 6 point roll cage is highly recommended.
13. Weight: 3350 lbs maximum left side 54%. Gen 2 Camaro is max 53% left side weight and if you run a 9 inch Ford rear end it must be 52% left side max. No more than 50% rear weight at any time. No fuel or fluids will be added after race.
14. Rear end for make an model only will get a 50 lbs weight break. You may run a 9 inch ford rear end and must weight 3400 lbs. Must run a mini spool or open rear ends only. Stock disc brakes are legal. May weld axle gears. Seperate protest will be $100.
15. Fuel cell is mandatory, fuel cell must be a minimum of ten inches from the bottom of the fuel cell container to level ground. Must have a roll bar behind fuel cell. Must be securely strapped down with no less than four 1 1/2 inch x 1/8 inch steel straps. Steel firewall must be located between driver and trunk area. With no less than 20 gauge steel. No aluminum! Must have fire extinguisher with gauge.
16. Mechanical fuel pump only! No high performance. No electric fuel pump. No flex fan
17. Stock V8 engines only, no exceptions! No high performance. Only stock or oem replacement parts only. The only intake you can run is Chevrolet number 2101, Chrysler number 2176,Ford Cleveland number 2665 with 4 barrel heads number 2750 with two barrel heads, Windsor number 2181, these manifolds must remain as manufactured, stock type balancer. You can modify stock oil pan for capacity. Stock valves only. Chevrolet valve size 1.94 intake/1.50 exhaust. Ford valve size for Cleveland is 2.05 intake/ 1.65 exhaust for Windsor 1.883 intake/1.546 exhaust, may be bored .060 over and ,015 for wear. Flat top with 4 eye brows only or dish pistons with 4 eye brow only. No pop-ups. Pistons cannot extend out of block. Piston and rod with rings and rod bearing must weight a minimum of 1400 grams. Single valve springs with damper only. Can pin rocker arm studs, can use poly locks, stock rocker arms only, stock hydraulic lifters only no rollers, no screw in studs or guide plates, maximum cam lift is .425 lift intake and .450 lift exhaust. stock valve jobs only. Minimum head volume in cc,s, all General Motors 72cc,s, Ford Cleveland 72cc,sFord Windsor 56cc,s, Dodge 360, 68cc,s. Engine must be in stock location. Must run stock motor mounts. You may weld a plate on the side of the motor mount to make it solid.
18. Stock factory non welded electronic ignition distributor only, no aftermarket ignition.
19. Carburetor: Holly 2300, two barrel carburetor, model #7448 (350) with a Venturi size of 13/16 inches and maintaining a throttle bore maximum size of 1 1/2 inches. Ford and Chrysler engines may compete with a Holley 2300 carburetor, model 4412 (500) main body mounted on a model 7448 throttle plate. An aluminum ring 3/8” in height may be installed to match Venturi diameter to throttle plate diameter. The rework guidelines for the Holley 2300 series carburetor are as follows: A. Body of carbs. No polishing, grinding, or drilling of holes permitted. B. The choke may be removed, but all screw holes must be permanently sealed. C. Choke Horn: choke horn may not be removed.D: Booster: Boosters may not be changed. Size and shape must not be altered.E: Venturi: Venturi area must not be altered in any manner. Casting ring must not be removed. F. Base plate: Base plate must not be altered in shape or size. G: Butterflies: Butterflies must not be thinned or tapered. Idle holes may be drilled in butterflies. Screw ends may be cut even with shafts, but screw heads must remain standard. H. Throttle Shafts: shafts must remain standard and must not be thinned or cut in any manner. I. Any attempt to pull outside air other than down through the Venturi is not permitted. J: Only paper air filter elements! The highest part of the lower air filter base plate can’t be any higher than the top of the choke horn.
20. Carburetor spacers and gaskets: A. Carburetor spacer must be NASCAR approved. B. Only a one piece aluminum carburetor spacer 3/4 inches in thickness may be installed between intake manifold and carburetor. C: The spacer must have two holes with 1 1/2 inch openings located in the center that match the base of the carburetor Holes must be cut perpendicular with base of carburetor. No taper or bevels. D: A one piece gasket maximum .065 inch thickness may be installed between the carburetor and spacer. A one piece gasket maximum 1/4 thick may be installed between the spacer and intake manifold.
21. Exhaust Systems: 1 5/8 header and 3” collectors is the largest you can run. No H pipe or no X pipe or no two into one allowed. You cannot connect the two exhaust pipes in any way.
22. Drive train: 3 speed, 4 speed, or automatic with or without floor shift. All gears must work. Clutch pressure plate and flywheel must weigh 45 pounds minimum Chevy, 45 pounds minimum Ford must have steel bell housing or scatter shield. Separate Protest $100.
23. Drive Shaft: Stock steel- must have drive shaft loop 2 inches wide and 1/4 inch thick. Must be painted white. No aluminum driveshafts.
24. No aftermarket brake pedal or brake system. All brake parts must remain stock.
25. Tires: Hoosier F45
26. No reading between the lines: If not in the rules, must remain stock!
27. Any driver that wins two consecutive races must start fifth in the next race.
28. Claiming Rule: The engine may be claimed by another competitor for $2,000.00 less carburetor, headers, and distributor and pulleys.
29. Must run fully charged fire extinguisher.
30. We may have amendments during the year to help even competition.